The Importance of External Backups

The Importance of External Backups

Security & SSL

We provide backup services on all of our Managed hosting accounts. Most quality hosts do. But whether we’re lucky enough to be your host, or you’re with someone else, it’s important to not rely solely on your host’s backup services. For your sensitive data, you should have additional backups elsewhere. That means your database and any custom code as well. It’s unlikely that your data would ever become totally unrecoverable, but unlikely things do eventually happen to someone. If you are that someone, you can avoid potential disaster by having an independent backup of all your sensitive data.

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Website Optimization Primer – Part 1 – Caching

Website Optimization Primer – Part 1 – Caching

Optimizing Your Site Speed

With many websites there will come a point where optimizing PHP code, adding memory to a server and tweaking configuration files can’t provide enough optimization to keep the site running smoothly. Even though server technologies are improving rapidly, all of the code processing, compiling and database queries that happen when serving up web content can take their toll on the available resources of the server. Eventually with a growing audience and without the proper solutions in place, the speed at which the server is able to deliver content begins to slow down.

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Fight Back Those Nasty Hacks

Fight Back Those Nasty Hacks


Hacks are an unfortunate reality when you run your own website. The malicious nature of hackers can turn a successful website into a nightmare in a matter of seconds. While no website is immune against hacking, there are many things you can do protect yourself, your clients, and your revenue. Here’s a quick overview of some common practices that can help you keep your website safe and secure:

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