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Marketing Your Business - Page 13

Make Sure To Accurately Measure Your Conversion Rate!
  • November 07, 2014
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Google Analytics is a great tool. We use it at A2 Hosting and it’s something that I look at everyday. However like any tool, it isn’t perfect and there are stats that you shouldn’t necessarily take for granted. One of those stats, and it is an important one, is your conversion rate.

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Affordable PPC With Remarketing For Search
  • October 10, 2014
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About 4 years ago we saw the birth of a new tactic to target potential customers called remarketing (also referred to as retargeting). You may not be familiar with this term, but I would be very surprised if you haven’t seen remarketing in practice. Remarketing is when you visit a website and then you start seeing banner ads and even ads in Facebook promoting the website you visited.

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Reviewing Your Pricing Strategy
  • September 10, 2014
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Imagine you’re launching a new product you’ve been working on for months. It’s perfect. Your creative ad copy is going to really hit home with your target market. You even have an affordable contract for product distribution. All you need to do is slap a price down and all your hard work will mean you’ll get to see money rolling in. Out of the 4 P’s of the Marketing Mix (price, product, promotion and place), doesn’t it seem like pricing would be the easiest one to nail down?

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Bid Your First Page Estimate On Best Converting Keywords
  • August 21, 2014
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When it comes to your marketing efforts, it’s impressive how often the 80/20 rule….rules. That is 80% of production comes from just 20% of the total source. This could mean 80% of your affiliate sales come from 20% of your affiliates or 80% of content views on your site are from only 20% of your pages.

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Using Analytics To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment
  • July 16, 2014
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One of the most valuable, yet under used features of Google Analytics is the Funnel Visualization report. I’ll admit that I’ve always been a bit confused on how to get this report up and running, but after spending a few moments testing it out, it’s not as hard as it once seemed.

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Stick A Fork In Guest Blogging For SEO
  • February 06, 2014
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It seems like every few months there is a new SEO trend that becomes hot. When done the right way, you can soon see improvement in your organic rankings. Inevitably a few rule breakers will figure out how to game the system. When that happens Google will put the kibosh on the strategy (rightfully so) and that ruins it for the rest of us. Isn’t that how it always seems to work? Well this time around Google has announced that guest blogging is no longer a viable SEO strategy. It has become too spammy. If guest blogging has become your top or only SEO strategy, it’s time to adjust your strategy. You could risk facing the wrath of being dropped from their rankings if you don’t.

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