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Up To 20X Faster Turbo Reseller Hosting
  • May 22, 2015
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Recently, one of our most requested features has been for Turbo Reseller Hosting. This is understandable considering we offer Turbo Servers, featuring up to 20X faster page loads, on our Web Hosting, Managed VPS, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting packages. Our Reseller Hosting customers were requesting that they get the boost provided by Turbo as well. Your requests were received loud and clear. We have launched Turbo Reseller Hosting!

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Introducing Our Amsterdam & Singapore Data Centers!
  • May 22, 2015
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It’s obvious one of our primary goals is to offer you the fastest hosting service possible. Our team of engineers work hard everyday to optimize our servers so you get this fast service. With the launch of not just one new data center, but two, we’re bringing those servers closer to your website visitors. After all, how close your data is to your visitors can have an impact on your site’s load times. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our service in both our European data center in Amsterdam and our Asian data center in Singapore.

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How To Get Full Source/Medium Referring URL
  • April 29, 2015
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Once in awhile I’ll be looking at our traffic report in Analytics and notice a blast of traffic to us from a site that I haven’t seen before. Unless that traffic is coming from the referring site’s homepage, there really isn’t a great way to see where it’s coming from. This is especially discouraging if the traffic isn’t converting at a high conversion rate. I want the opportunity to learn how we’re being linked to, reach out to the site owner and discuss ways to improve the conversion rate.

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Three Tips for Cleaner Code
  • April 28, 2015
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We all have written code that we later look back at and cringe. Sometimes you’re in a hurry, working too late into the night against the hours and your standards begin to slip. Or if you’re new to a language or a framework, you may not know the best patterns and stumble your way into a spaghetti-like monstrosity. Whatever the cause, we have all been there. There’s a lot of things that can be done to keep your code under control. I’ll just touch on a few of them here.

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Plenty Of Excitement Coming Down The A2 Hosting Pipeline!
  • April 23, 2015
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It seems like we only give you sneak previews of our exciting, upcoming services at the beginning of each year. This just doesn’t seem like enough coverage to justify all of the hard work our engineers and developers put in everyday to launch our wide selection of innovative, exclusive products. Here is a quick look at the products coming to you soon from A2 Hosting.

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Barnacle SEO For Small Business Marketing
  • April 02, 2015
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If you think of the one keyword you would like your website to rank well on, do you rank on the first page in the search engine rankings for that keyword? I would guess 99% of us would say we don’t rank for that keyword. That’s because it’s probably very competitive and there’s only 10 spots on the front page. The majority of the sites linking in the top page are probably quite a bit larger than your site. If you’re tired of being outranked by those huge sites with SEO budgets that likely exceed what your site generates in an entire year, you may want to try Barnacle SEO.

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Google’s New Mobile Ranking Criteria
  • March 26, 2015
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This week Google announced new mobile based criteria which will affect your search result ranking for users searching from a mobile device. This makes sense, Google wants to return higher quality mobile pages to users on mobile devices. But it means if pages on your site aren’t responsive or the responsive design doesn’t meet Google’s criteria, you may see those pages drop in the results.

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Get Your Sites Ready For These Google Updates
  • March 25, 2015
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Google is constantly tinkering with their algorithm. They update it over 500 times per year on average. Many of their updates are pretty minor. However over the course of the past few weeks, Google has two very important algorithm updates that you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared for.

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Contributing To WordPress’ Five For The Future Movement
  • February 27, 2015
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In 2014 Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, announced a plan to ensure the growth and stability of WordPress in the future as a free open source platform with ‘Five for the Future’. Essentially any company deriving revenue from WordPress should concentrate 5% of their time and energy generally devoted to WordPress related work to helping improve WordPress Core. “Improving WordPress Core” is a very generalized statement, it can encompass anything from developing for WordPress, documenting WordPress, training the community or even responding to questions in the WP forum.

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Is It Time To Stop Link Building?
  • February 25, 2015
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We’ve been warned about the potential dangers of link building schemes for years. Most site owners are well aware of the threat of having their website blacklisted by Google and avoid such schemes. Natural, white hat link building is still OK, isn’t it? According to a recent Google+Hangout, it sure sounds like Google is telling us that link building should be avoided.

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