How to install Drush manually

This article describes how to install Drush manually.

Most hosting accounts already include Drush by default. However, it may be a few versions behind the newest version. To run the latest version of Drush, install it manually using the following procedure.

Installing Drush

The Drush installation process uses composer, a PHP dependency manager. Therefore, if you have not already installed composer on your account, you must do so before installing Drush.

For information about how to install composer on your account, please see this article.

To install Drush, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account using SSH.
  2. Change to the directory where you installed Drupal. For example, type cd ~/public_html/drupal.
  3. To install Drush, type the following command:
    composer require drush/drush
  4. To add Drush to your path, type the following command:

    echo 'export PATH="./vendor/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
  5. To make the new path take effect immediately, type the following command:

    source ~/.bashrc

    Drush is now installed and ready to use on your account. To run it, change to the Drupal root directory, and then type drush.

    • To confirm Drush installed correctly, type the following command:
      drush version
    • To update Drush to the newest version, type the following command:

      composer update drush/drush
  6. If you have multiple Drupal sites installed on your account, repeat steps 2 to 3 for each Drupal site.

More Information

For more information about Drush, please visit

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