How to configure PrestaShop to use memcached

This article describes how to configure PrestaShop to use memcached.

Memcached is an open-source memory object caching system that web sites can use to help accelerate page load times. Memcached works by caching in RAM frequently accessed data, such as the results of API calls, database calls, and more.

  • If you have a managed VPS or managed Dedicated Server, please open a support ticket on the Customer Portal at and request memcached for your system. We will install it for you.
  • If you have an unmanaged VPS, you can install memcached yourself.
  • If you have a Turbo Boost or Turbo Max Web Hosting account, you should not follow the procedures in this article. Instead, use the A2 Optimized plugin to configure and manage memcached for your application.
  • Memcached is not supported on non-Turbo shared hosting accounts at this time.

Configuring PrestaShop to use memcached

After memcached is installed on your system, you must configure PrestaShop to use it. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to PrestaShop as the administrator.
  2. On the menu bar, click ADVANCED PARAMETERS, and then click Performance.
  3. Scroll down the page to the CACHING section.
  4. Under Use cache, click YES.
  5. Under Caching system, select Memcached.
  6. Click Add server. Additional settings appear.
  7. In the IP Address text box, type
  8. In the Port text box, type 11211.
  9. In the Weight text box, type 1.
  10. Click Add Server.
  11. Click Save.

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