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10 Tips For Getting Even Faster Support Answers

fast support answers
  • Mar 23, 2016
  • 0
  • by A2 Marketing Team

Something we strive for everyday is to offer the type of service we would want to use ourselves. A large component of that is providing service that promotes the fastest page loads possible. We also work hard to provide fast, accurate answers to support questions. As you can imagine, the more in depth information that our support team is provided in relation to any issues being experienced, the faster they are able to replicate the issue and the more in depth they will be able to investigate. With this information in hand, our team is ultimately able to provide faster answers to the questions they receive.

Below is a list of information that when applicable, can help our support team answer questions even faster. This information is even more helpful when included when the issue is first reported to us:

1. Operating system and its version
2. Browser type and its version
3. Mail client and its version
4. A URL that can replicate the issue
5. The exact wording of any error messages or error codes that are being encountered
6. A method for recreating or replicating the error
7. A time frame of when the error occurs and its rate of occurrence
8. IP address (An IP address can be found using
9. Any usernames or passwords necessary to replicate the issue (we welcome our customers to change their passwords to temporary ones if it makes them feel more comfortable)
10. Connection location (whether the connection is from the office, workplace etc.)