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WordPress Security Made Easy With TurboHub
  • July 22, 2024
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Keeping your website safe and secure is more important than ever. If you manage multiple sites, you know it can be overwhelming to keep all those websites up to date. …

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3 Tips for Embedding & Adding Video into Your Website
  • April 08, 2022
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Modern websites are multimedia-rich experiences. The days when you could get away with pages full of text and no images or videos are gone. If you shy away from using …

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What Is An Email Blacklist?
  • March 03, 2022
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Have you ever emailed someone and didn’t receive a response? You may have wondered why your email went unanswered. The recipient may have simply been busy or didn’t see your …

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What Is a Fully Qualified Domain Name?
  • February 23, 2022
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Who runs the world? Domain names! Domain names literally put names on the internet. They help us identify websites and access them easily. But do you know what a fully …

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A2 Hosting Supports Newest PHP Version 8.1
  • January 24, 2022
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A2 Hosting is proud to announce that we are now supporting our customers on the latest version of PHP, Version 8.1. This means that you can take advantage of all …

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New Managed WordPress Enhanced Security Features with A2 Hosting
  • January 24, 2022
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WordPress is the same age as A2 Hosting, and with 18 years of experience and hard work, it has become one of the most popular CMS on the internet. That …

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Why You Need a WordPress Under Construction Page
  • December 30, 2021
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If you already have a WordPress site or are starting one, you’ll need to know how to add an Under Construction page. There are two types of construction modes: maintenance …

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How to Create the Best Holiday Email Strategy
  • November 23, 2021
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With the holiday season approaching, you might want to adjust your email drip campaign to reach your most engaged audience. Customers subscribed to your email newsletter are most likely to …

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How to Install and Set Up Google Tag Manager on WordPress
  • October 21, 2021
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If you’re looking for Google Tag Manager, there’s a good chance you have Google Analytics up and running on your WordPress site by now. If you don’t have Google Analytics …

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The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your eCommerce Website Holiday Ready with A2 Hosting
  • October 18, 2021
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With the holidays fast approaching many eCommerce companies are preparing their websites for the busiest time of the year. In order to ensure success, early preparation is everything. According to …

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