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Free SSL vs. Paid SSL: What Is the Difference?

A photo of a computer screen with the mouse cursor hoving over the word secure, representing the protection provided by free and paid SSL certificates
  • Oct 11, 2024
  • 0
  • by A2 Marketing Team

SSL certificates are an important part of securing your website. They encrypt data transferred between your website and your visitors. This builds trust and protects personal information during purchases and other transactions. Many hosting companies, including A2 Hosting, offer a free SSL with hosting plans. But there are also paid SSLs that offer better trust and protection. Which one do you need? Well, it comes down to your needs. Let’s look at the difference between free SSL and paid SSL certificates.

Why Are SSL Certificates Important?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are important because they encrypt your visitors’ connection to your site. SSLs protect sensitive information transferred between visitors and your site, like passwords, credit card numbers, and personal data. These digital certificates help prevent security breaches and data theft.

You can easily spot SSL-secured websites, as their URLs begin with HTTPS (rather than the old standard, HTTP). In some browsers, you may also see an icon in the browser bar that lets you know the site you’re visiting is secure. Google’s icon looks like a small padlock.

However, SSLs offer more than just security benefits, including:

  • Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and rankings: Google considers sites with an SSL more trustworthy, and tends to rank them higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).
  • Improved visitor trust: SSLs also increase trust with visitors, since it proves that the site is owned by a reliable and responsible business.

SSLs are almost essential today, with Google marking sites without HTTPS connections as unsecured. Most users won’t make payments on a site with these kinds of warnings, so not implementing SSL could mean lost sales or a reduction in traffic for any site.

What Are the Difference Between Free SSL and Paid SSL?

While both free and paid SSLs encrypt the connection between visitors and your website, there are a few key differences.

1. Cost

As their names hopefully suggest, one of the biggest differences between free and paid SSLs is the cost.

Free certificates are, well, free. There is no cost to using them. All you need to do is validate you own the domain, which is a fast and relatively simple process.

Paid SSLs are additional costs and are usually available for one-time fees or recurring monthly costs. The cost depends on the level of validation and the protection that a specific certificate offers.

2. Validation Levels

There are several SSL certificate types, each with a different validation level that requires additional steps to verify your business, organization, and website. The higher the level of validation, the better the trust with your site visitors.

Nearly all free SSLs are Domain Validation (DV) certificates. They offer basic encryption but only verify that you own the domain. It provides the lowest level of security and trust.

Paid certificates come in several validation types, including Organization Validation (OV), Extended Validation (EV), and Wildcard. These certificates verify your organization’s legitimacy, with EV providing the highest level of verification, including the organization name displayed in the browser’s address bar.

3. Trust Signals

Another important difference between the two certificates is the amount of trust they give to your site visitors. SSLs are meant as a sign that visitors can trust your website.

This is especially important if you sell items because this means you are taking steps to protect their personal information. But the amount of trust depends on the level of validation you are paying for.

A free SSL provides the padlock icon and HTTPS in the browser, signaling a secure connection, but does not convey a high level of trust for businesses.

Paid OV and EV level certificates include additional trust signals like the organization’s name and more detailed certificate information in browsers. This can significantly increase trust and credibility, especially for eCommerce sites or enterprises.

4. Warranty

The level of warranty protection is also a key difference between paid and free SSLs. The warranty is a financial protection in case of a security breach due to an SSL failure. The amount of protection offered depends on your type of certificate.

Most free certificates provide no warranty, although some offer minimal financial protection.

On the other hand, paid SSLs offer warranties ranging from $10,000 up to millions of dollars. This offers significantly more insurance against security issues resulting from an SSL protection failure.

5. Support

Support is another consideration is the difference in support levels.

Free certificates usually do not include customer support. However, there are community forums or self-help resources available to assist in setting up your SSL.

Paid SSLs include technical support, which can be helpful for installation, troubleshooting, or renewal issues.

However, many hosting companies, including A2 Hosting, offer both free and paid SSL certificates as add-ons to your hosting plan.

While we cannot speak for other hosts, our in-house Guru Crew support team is happy to help with paid and free SSL issues.

6. Renewal or Validation Period

SSLs are only valid for a certain amount of time and are renewed at regular intervals to keep your security current.

For most free certificates, this validation period is often 30 to 90 days. This can lead to frequent renewals, which can be troublesome to manage in some cases. Whereas paid SSLs are typically valid for 1- to 3-year periods, which simplifies the renewal process.

Again, your hosting provider can help with the renewal process. A2 Hosting offers automated renewals for free SSLs and sends reminders for paid certificates so your site does not accidentally lose important protections.

7. Encryption Strength

Depending on the provider, both free and paid SSLs offer the same encryption strength. In most cases, this is either 128-bit or 256-bit encryption.

While the encryption level might be the same for both, there are still important differences. Paid certificates include more features, higher levels of validation, and better warranty protection.

That said, the exact difference depends on the Certificate Authority issuing your SSL. A2 Hosting offers certificates from the Rapid SSL, GeoTrust, and DigiCert Certificate Authorities.

Free SSL Certificates: Pros and Cons

Free SSL certificates, often provided by services like Let’s Encrypt, are increasingly popular among site owners. Here’s why:

Pros of Free Certificates:

  • Cost: The most significant advantage is that they are free, making them an excellent option for personal blogs, small business websites, or hobbyist projects with limited budgets.
  • Ease of Installation: Many web hosts, including A2 Hosting, offer automated processes for installing free SSLs.
  • Basic Encryption: Free SSLs provide the same level of encryption as paid SSLs, ensuring secure communication between your site and its visitors.

Cons of Free Certificates:

  • Validation Level: Free certificates only offer Domain Validation (DV), which verifies that you own the domain. They do not provide higher levels of trust, such as Organization Validation (OV) or Extended Validation (EV).
  • Limited Warranty: Free SSLs generally don’t include the warranties that come with paid certificates, which can be important in case of a data breach.
  • Short Lifespan: Free SSLs usually need to be renewed every 90 days, which can become a hassle if you don’t have automatic renewals set up.

Paid SSL Certificates: Pros and Cons

Paid SSL certificates offer additional features and trust signals that can be critical for eCommerce sites, enterprise-level businesses, or any website handling sensitive data.

Pros of Paid Certificates:

  • Enhanced Validation: With paid SSLs, you can opt for OV or EV certificates, which provide more detailed vetting. EV SSLs, for example, display a green address bar, showcasing your organization’s name and giving users greater confidence in your website’s authenticity.
  • Warranty: Most paid certificates come with a warranty, which can range from $10,000 to $1.5 million, protecting your business in case of a breach.
  • Support and Trust: Paid SSLs usually include technical support to assist with installation, renewal, or troubleshooting. They also boost trust with visitors, which can lead to increased conversions.
  • Longer Lifespan: Paid SSL can be purchased for one year or longer, reducing the need for frequent renewals and ensuring that your site stays secure over time.

Cons of Paid Certificates:

  • Cost: The most obvious downside is the cost, which can range from $10 to several hundred dollars annually, depending on the validation level and additional features you need.

When Should You Choose Free SSL vs. Paid SSL?

Choosing between paid and free SSL certificates depends largely on the nature of your website and the trust level you want to establish with visitors.

Free SSL:

  • Personal Websites: Free SSLs are perfect for personal blogs, portfolios, or hobby websites where there is little to no sensitive data being exchanged.
  • Small Business Sites: For small businesses just starting, a free SSL may be enough to get your website secured quickly and affordably.

Paid SSL:

  • eCommerce Sites: If you run an online store or handle sensitive customer data (like credit card information), a paid SSL with OV or EV validation is highly recommended to build trust and credibility.
  • Enterprise and Corporate Websites: Larger companies or enterprises should opt for paid SSLs to ensure the highest levels of trust, warranty coverage, and support.
  • Websites Handling Sensitive Information: For sites dealing with medical, legal, or financial information, a paid SSL offers added protection and peace of mind.
Build Trust With Your Visitors With Free or Paid SSL

Whether you need the basic trust of a free SSL or the added warranty protection of a paid certificate, A2 Hosting offers many validation levels for the best security and encryption.

Our Web Hosting plans include free SSLs. Upgrade to paid certificates for better protection and warranty coverage. Whether you run an eCommerce website or handle sensitive information, we offer basic, premium, and advanced certificates to match your needs.

Plus, our in-house Guru Crew support team is here to help by phone, chat, ticketing system, and email. 24/7/365 to ensure your site and your visitors are protected. Get started with reliable, affordable SSL protection today.

Hero image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

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