Investing in a SSL Certificate: What are Paid SSL Benefits?

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Investing in a SSL Certificate: What are Paid SSL Benefits?

What is an SSL Certificate and should you have one? Look here!

Did you know that hackers attack computers with internet access every 39 seconds, and on average 2,244 times a day?

Security has always been important. When such advanced technology wasn’t present we were able to use a less technical approach to security like standing guard throughout the night. Yet through the invention of preventative measures like household alarm systems and security cameras, people are now able to protect themselves far more effectively and efficiently. So why shouldn’t you have the same type of easy peace of mind for you and your customers?

Why Should You Invest in Online Protection for Your Customers?

In this age of technological innovation and business advancement, owning your own website has become essential for growth long term. In 2021, when so many things have gone online and remote, connecting with customers through your business’ website is a main channel of reliable communication. The world of online business and online shopping has been growing exponentially within the last decade as technology and the internet continues to evolve rapidly.

By 2023, ecommerce sales in the United States alone are expected to surpass $740 billion a year.

And while you may have already invested in online security for your site, it’s just as important to include security measures for your customers as well through tools like an SSL certificate.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL Lock

SSL Certificates are a predominant part of what keeps an internet connection secure and protects data while it is being transferred between two systems. Through the use of encryption, SSL certificates safeguard your customer’s information, preventing online criminals from reading or modifying it. This way customers can feel protected knowing that their personal information will not be seen.


6 Reasons to Consider SSL


  • Identity –

SSL Certificates are a way to ensure that your customers know that you are who you say you are. They are a symbol that the Certificate Authority (CA) has researched your company and is validating your business. A Certificate Authority is a company that acts to validate websites and bind them to cryptographic keys through digital certificates.

  • Encryption –

With this certificate, customers can feel safe that while their data is being transferred it is fully encrypted and no one else can access it.

  • Trust –

SSL Certificates help customers trust that their information is secure while being transferred onto your site and that they can continue their purchases without fear of leaks.

  • Robust Support –

The CA can mass revoke affected certificates. For example, when a bug was found in issuance with SSL certificates and domains were not properly checked, the certificates were mass revoked and renewed with proper identification. This means speedy, mass protection from one of the best companies in the industry.

  • Warranty –

Different certificates come with various amounts of warranty levels, but at the end of the day, any type of extra warranty to ensure financial protection is a big bonus. SSL certificates outline that your customers are safe if there is a breach and CA’s procedures are violated.

  • Professionalism –

The presence of an SSL certificate helps demonstrate that business owners have invested in visitor and customer security and that they care about the privacy of their customer’s personal information.

Why Not Just Use Free SSL?

“But there are free SSL options!” While this is true and they definitely work, free plans don’t always come with the same level of security as paid options for that true peace of mind.


  • They Lack Support –

Customers have to self-diagnose and troubleshoot when they face issues. They are more likely to rely on forums where people who are using free SSL leave guidance on how to fix issues rather than having experts diagnose and help solve the problem. That is unless you choose an awesome host like A2 Hosting, we have customer support 24/7!

  • No Warranty –

Free plans come without a warranty. This means that if a breach should occur while your business is under the certification, companies may be left hanging in the wind.

  • No Site Seal –

Free plans lack the presence of a site seal so companies lose the advantage of those extra conversions that come with this. They also lose some of that instant trust and must create this through other means.

Building Trust is Essential Between a Business and its Customers

While SSL certificates do a lot of work to make sure customers’ information is secure on the backend of websites, a site seal can help display this on the front end. A site seal communicates to customers that the CA has legitimately verified your site and issued an SSL Certificate. This helps ensure credibility of your business to potential customers and the statistics below demonstrate how effective this really is.


Recognize the McAfee SECURE trustmark – more than any other.

(Source: CXL)


The average increase in conversions from the McAfee SECURE trustmark.

(Source: Inflow)


Users are up to 10 times more likely to trust McAfee vs other site seals.

(Source: Google Surveys)


Say trustmarks help them decide whether or not to trust a site.

(Source: Econsultancy/Toluna)

What the Experts Have to Say

But don’t just trust us! Baymard Institute, a leader in the website research industry, published an Ecommerce Checkout Study detailing how checkout pages and their elements can impact building customer trust and website conversion rates. They found that 18% of users have a lack of website trust, which leads to cart abandonment rather than purchase.

In an industry leading SSL blog, it was surmised that site seals can act as a powerful visual tool for customers in helping them decide whether a site is secure and vetted, and if it is safe to proceed with their purchases. The appearance of a well known site seal logo has a large impact on customers’ first impression of the site, and as extension helps with brand trust.

Studies have observed that Small to Medium sized businesses in particular have more to gain from including site seals.

“If your website isn’t widely known and trusted, a proven site seal let’s you “borrow” recognition and trust, boosting customer trust and purchases.”


For example, let’s say that Kathy is out and looking to try a new brand of running shoes. She finds a pair that looks pretty great, but they are on a website she has never heard about so she isn’t sure if she can trust their quality. But then, she notices that they have a Norton Secure site seal proudly displayed on their site. Kathy trusts Norton, so therefore she decides she can trust this site too. A new conversion is made!

In Conclusion

Websites are the lifeblood of many businesses, especially those just starting out. Small to medium sized business owners need to share their brand and their presence on the web in order to attract a larger audience and make themselves a well-known player in their field.

“Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world.”

-Ginni Romettey, IBM’s previous chairman, president and CEO

SSL certificates offer invaluable security and peace of mind to anyone looking to protect their customer’s personal details. With extra support, an extensive warranty, and a site seal that is backed by one of the most trusted companies in the industry, a paid SSL certificate is worth the investment and a means to protect your business’ bright future!

But you’re in luck! A2 Hosting is offering 1 free year of RapidSSL with the purchase of 1 year or more of a web hosting package through 2/21/21. Purchase our Turbo hosting packages with NVMe drives and combine the best speed, storage, and conversion rates with a premium SSL certificate to help your business flourish this year!

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