A2 Hosting Now Offering AlmaLinux as a New Operating System

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A2 Hosting Now Offering AlmaLinux as a New Operating System

CentOS recently announced that they’ll stop development for CentOS 8 after this year. It means that there is a need for an alternative for customers relying on it. The good news is that if you want to stay on a similar platform, you can switch to AlmaLinux 8. It is an OS that continues to build upon CentOS 8.

The Benefits of AlmaLinux 8

AlmaLinux 8 is an open-source protection-grade platform compatible with CentOS 8. It fills the gap left by CentOS. It is a standalone platform, meaning you don’t need to congest your network with two different software. Instead, you get a stable and optimized version of CentOS 8 ready for use.

Our internal engineering team and cPanel both recommend AlmaLinux 8 because of its reliability. As such, we are now offering it for our Unmanaged VPS customers. We also plan to offer it as an option for our Managed VPS and Bare Metal Dedicated customers in the coming months. Here are some of the noticeable benefits you’ll get with AlmaLinux 8:

  • Consistently updated support: the OS comes with the latest technology, and fixes happen fast.
  • Easy transition: switching from CentOS to AlmaLinux is easy. If you want to try other platforms, you’ll likely spend more money and time.
  • Enterprise Ready: AlmaLinux is ready to handle critical workloads as an enterprise-grade server OS. You can expect regular releases and updates over time.

Contact A2 Today

With a decade worth of development, you’re sure to get all the benefits of CentOS and more by switching to AlmaLinux. Having an Unmanaged VPS gives you more freedom of control, so you can customize it the way you want. It makes it easy for you to scale and improve. If you have any questions, you can contact the A2 Hosting Sales Team, and we’ll be happy to discuss all of our plans with you!


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