Affordable & Quick Hacked Site Repair Solutions From Sucuri

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Affordable & Quick Hacked Site Repair Solutions From Sucuri

About 30,000 websites are hacked each and every day. Reasons sites get hacked could be covered in a completely separate blog post of its own (and has been). Some of the top reasons a site becomes vulnerable are if you’re using insecure/easy to guess passwords as well as using outdated software. Regardless of the reason a site gets hacked, it can be an extremely frustrating experience.

Do you have a hacked site? Don’t have the time or knowledge to repair it? You don’t have to drag your feet any longer to get it up and running again. While being the victim of a hacked site is terrible, it doesn’t have to be expensive to fix and you don’t have to lose sleep over it any longer! A2 Hosting has partnered with the website security solution Sucuri to offer you a quick, affordable solution for getting your site repaired in the unfortunate event it’s hacked. The Sucuri team will repair your site fast, delete malware from it and help mitigate damage to your reputation.

The Sucuri team has the same goal as you do; get your site fixed as quickly as possible so your audience can enjoy it again. Their highly skilled and professional analysts use the industry’s best practices to discover how the infection occurred, track it down and eliminate it.

Sucuri is a powerful solution not only because of its ability to remove malware, but because they will also continuously monitor your site to help prevent a hack from occurring again. You’ll discover, more often than not, that competing website security solutions charge based on the number of pages you have to be scanned. Not Sucuri! Sucuri will scan an unlimited number of pages for no extra charge!

Whether you’re a personal blogger or own an enterprise level eCommerce site, Sucuri has a solution for you. Just some of the features included in your Sucuri account are:

  • Same day malware remove & hack repair responses
  • Multiple daily malware and hack scans
  • Immediately stop hacks and DDoS attacks

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