Upgrading To Magento 2

Upgrading To Magento 2


If you are a Magento user, you’re probably well aware of the fact there is a beta version of Magento 2 currently available. Since this is a beta version, you won’t want to upgrade your production site quite yet. However since this beta version will eventually lead to a stable version, now is as good of a time as any to start planning your upgrade. That way you can get the fastest and most secure version when Magento 2 becomes available.

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Keep Those Passwords Strong!

Keep Those Passwords Strong!

Security & SSL

One would think that a strong password is one that contains special characters, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. This can be true, but it has been shown that all a password needs to be is long. Lets take a look at two passwords and compare their strength.

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Shellshock Lessons for Developers

Shellshock Lessons for Developers

Security & SSL

For anyone who doesn’t know, Shellshock is the name of a particularly nasty vulnerability in Bash, the standard shell for most Linux distributions (and other Unix-like systems.) As of press time, new vulnerabilities due to this bug are still being discovered. Some distributions have only released patches that fix part of the problem, and a vast number of Internet connected computers are unpatched and vulnerable. There’s bound to be some negative outcomes from a security problem like this, but let’s see if we can scrape out some positive results.

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Staying Away From WordPress Security Plugins

Staying Away From WordPress Security Plugins

Security & SSL

When searching through all of the potential plugins to install on your WordPress site, you may notice that many of the popular plugins have to do with security. This may seem very tempting to let a plugin handle all of your security needs for your site but, security plugins forget one important fact about the web: if your site is too slow for people to navigate it, people won’t visit your site.

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Announcing the A2 Hosting Video Library

Announcing the A2 Hosting Video Library

Security & SSL

Over the past few months we’ve really revamped our Knowledgebase to not only make it easier to use, but also to stock it with a ton of helpful articles. Some prefer to watch a video instead of reading an article though. In our constant quest to offer you the best service possible, we have recently launched a new section of our blog; The A2 Posting Video Library.

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