3 Reasons Your Business Needs a File Hosting Solution

To keep your business running smoothly, you need access to key files, whenever and wherever they are required. In today’s world, work happens at all times and in all places. However, for this kind of convenience, you’re going to need a powerful solution.
Fortunately, you can turn to online file hosting. With this type of solution, you’ll be able to store your information on remote servers safely and expediently. What’s more, it can help your business increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve organization.
In this post, we’ll explain what file hosting is and how it works. Then we’ll discuss three reasons to use it for your business. Let’s get to work!
An Introduction to File Hosting
With file hosting, your files are stored on a remote server that can be accessed through the web. These servers are operated and maintained by an outside party, instead of by your own IT department.
For instance, here at A2 Hosting, we offer a variety of file hosting options:
By using any of these platforms, your files can be uploaded, stored, and accessed whenever you need them. All you have to do is sign into your file hosting account on any device.
This solution can be especially helpful for freelancers and small business owners, because it enables you to access your data from anywhere. Moreover, you can protect your files using a number of powerful security features, which we’ll discuss shortly.
3 Reasons Your Business Needs a File Hosting Solution
File hosting can help you to store and organize your files, but it has a lot more to offer than just the basics. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the other advantages this solution provides.
1. Storing Your Data Electronically Is More Efficient
One of the best things about file hosting is being able to store your data electronically. For instance, when you have a lot of files that you need to organize and provide easy access to, having a system like this in place can be a life saver.
With file hosting, it’s easy to save files and organize them into categories. As a result, all of your information, sensitive or otherwise, is just a click away:
As you can see, you are free to create and name your files however you please. On top of that, you can set permissions so that only certain types of users are able to access your account. This enables team members to access important information, without compromising on security.
2. File Hosting Is Safe and Secure
Another reason to get a file hosting solution is to protect your sensitive data. It’s easy to assume that storing information electronically puts it at risk from hackers and malware. However, in actuality there are a number of ways to safeguard your file management system.
For instance, Pydio (one of the many options available) offers several key security features. It has tools you can use for authentication and encryption:
Your sensitive data can be encrypted so that even if hackers were to find it, they wouldn’t be able to read it. On top of that, you can set up session monitoring, as well as advanced levels of authentication.
A single disaster, such as a fire, can destroy years of physical records. On the other hand, your electronic storage is safe, particularly if you take the time to save backups in multiple locations.
3. Data Storage Scales to Match Your Needs
Imagine what would happen if you tried to print and store all of your files physically. As your business has grown, you’ve likely started to amass a great deal of resources. This can lead to all sorts of problems when it came to moving and organizing your information.
Fortunately, electronic storage doesn’t take up physical space, and it can scale up as your business does. In fact, many data storage services enable you to pay for as little or as much storage as you need:
You can upgrade your plan as more storage is required, which means you don’t pay for space you aren’t using. This makes a file hosting solution both an economical and a convenient solution.
File Hosting Conclusion
If your business is swimming in a sea of paperwork, a file hosting solution may be just what you need. With your data stored securely online, you’ll have easy access to it at all times. On top of that, this type of tool can reduce costs and help to organize key information.
A file hosting solution offers plenty of other benefits as well, including that:
- Storing your data electronically is more efficient.
- File hosting is safe and secure.
- Data storage scales to match your needs.
Image credit: Ulrike Mai.