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Now Offering Additional Notification Center Options

  • Jun 18, 2012
  • 0
  • by A2 News

Our customers want to know about a server issue as soon as it happens. We were happy to deliver the Notification Center a few months ago to make that happen. When opting into our Notification Center, you receive emails as soon as a Service Bulletin about your server is posted.

Your feedback to date has been positive regarding the Notification Center. We have received a number of suggestions to enhance this tool. After listening to your feedback, we’ve added two additional options:

  • Network Issue Update – Sent when a Service Bulletin is posted with updated information about an existing issue.
  • Network Issue Resolved – Sent when a Service Bulletin is posted informing you that the issue has been resolved.

Please note that all three of the Notification Center options are opt in, so you’ll need to log into your My A2 Hosting account to select which of the notifications you would like to receive in the future. You can log into one, two or all three of the options and opt out at any time.