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Refer Users To A2 Hosting: Earn Up To $125/Customer!

a2 hosting affiliate program
  • Nov 18, 2016
  • 0
  • by A2 Marketing Team

At A2 Hosting, we’ve run an impactful affiliate program for years. We have a number of successful affiliates who earn steady commissions each month for referring their traffic and users to A2 Hosting. We’re excited to announce that we have switched affiliate platforms in hopes of making our affiliate program even more successful. Sign up now to become our next successful affiliate!

One key feature of our new affiliate platform is the ability to pay you a higher commission rate when you deliver more customers each month. You can earn up to $140/new customer. View the complete commission breakdown below.

Commission Breakdown

1-10 sales: $55/sale
11-15 sales: $75/sale
16-20 sales: $100/sale
21+ sales: $125/sale

As you can see, our base commission rate is $85 for each new customer. The more sales you send, the more you earn! Send 31 customers or more each month and earn $125 for each of those customers!

Getting Started Is Easy

  1. Sign up for our affiliate program.
  2. Access your account once you have been approved for our affiliate program. This is where you’ll find your customized affiliate link and marketing material to share with your audience.
  3. You earn a commission for each new A2 Hosting customer who clicks on your affiliate link and purchases a hosting package!

Becoming A Successful Affiliate

You don’t have to be an A2 Hosting customer to be an affiliate. However, there’s a good chance that you’re already an A2 Hosting customer. Many times our customers make the most successful affiliates because they are an actual user and can give valuable testimonials to your audience. Think of how many movies or restaurants you’ve tried because of a review you read or heard from a trusted source. Become a trusted source for your audience to learn about which web host they should choose! Tell your audience about A2 Hosting (with your affiliate link) on your website, emails, social media, newsletter and more. Sign up for our affiliate program and start earning now!