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Tell Your Friends About Us – Earn A $50 Credit!

  • Oct 30, 2015
  • 0
  • by A2 Marketing Team

As an A2 Hosting customer, did you know you can earn a $50 hosting credit for referring new customers to us? It’s all a part of the A2 Hosting Refer-A-Friend program. Best of all, you don’t even have to sign up for the program! Each A2 Hosting customer already has a Refer-A-Friend link found right in the Client Area of their My A2 Hosting account. That means whenever you have a friend, customer, family member, neighbor or colleague who needs hosting, you can just send them your Refer-A-Friend link and earn your $50 hosting credit!

A similar program I manage at A2 Hosting is our Affiliate Program. One of the most common questions our affiliate members ask is whether it’s possible to convert their Affiliate Program commissions into hosting credits. Unfortunately it’s not really possible. That’s why I normally recommend that all future referrals from the customer asking that question be made through our Refer-A-Friend program.

Don’t get me wrong; our Affiliate Program is an excellent way to earn a nice chunk of change each month. Many of our affiliates receive a nice payment from us each month! Our Refer-A-Friend program just provides you with a quick and easy alternative opportunity to earn on your referrals. Here’s how:

  1. Log into your My A2 Hosting account to copy your custom Refer-A-Friend link. You’ll find your link below your Account Overview.
  2. Post your Refer-A-Friend link on your social media sites or email your link to your acquaintances who need hosting.
  3. For each person who clicks your custom link and purchases a new hosting account, a $50 credit is automatically added to your account. You’ll even receive an email when your account is credited with the $50 once the account you referred has been active for 30-days.