Up To 20X Faster Turbo Reseller Hosting

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Up To 20X Faster Turbo Reseller Hosting

Recently, one of our most requested features has been for Turbo Reseller Hosting. This is understandable considering we offer Turbo Servers, featuring up to 20X faster page loads, on our Web Hosting, Managed VPS, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting packages. Our Reseller Hosting customers were requesting that they get the boost provided by Turbo as well. Your requests were received loud and clear. We have launched Turbo Reseller Hosting!

Our Reseller customers, and their customers, can now experience the many benefits of our Turbo servers including:

  • Use less CPU and memory than Apache
  • Handle connections faster and more efficiently
  • Provide enhanced stability
  • SwiftCache – Our exclusive pre-configured website accelerator

Are you a current customer who wants to move to Turbo? Just contact our sales staff for more information. Migration fees may apply.

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