Is VPS Reseller Hosting Actually Worth It? Making the Case for Easy Passive Income

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Is VPS Reseller Hosting Actually Worth It? Making the Case for Easy Passive Income

You might have heard of a VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting plan and of a Reseller hosting plan, but have you ever heard of VPS Reseller hosting? Reseller hosting is an easy way to make passive income without requiring a lot of technical prowess or incredible effort and when combined in a VPS environment, also offers scalability. If you’re thinking about becoming a reseller but not sure if it’s worth it, this article’s for you.

What is a VPS Reseller Hosting Package?

A VPS Reseller server is a virtualized server that a user can split into several hosting packages. Here’s how it works:

  1. You purchase a VPS package from us with as many cPanel licenses as you need.
  2. Then, you can resell the cPanel accounts to individuals.
  3. Then, using the WHM system, you can create additional client accounts and give each individual their own cPanel.
  4. That’s it!

Who Would Want a VPS Reseller Plan?

VPS Reseller plans are for clients with multiple sites that need individual cPanel accounts for each site. It’s also for clients who are reselling to clients requiring the power, resources, and scalability of a VPS. Regular shared reseller plans are more limited in resources than their VPS counterparts.

So, is VPS Reseller Hosting Actually Worth It?

Privacy and Configuration

VPS Reseller packages offer more privacy and greater server admin control. With a VPS server, you can have root-level access to configure the server to your liking.

Not only that, but VPS packages are in their own virtually-allocated server environment so your clients have greater privacy. Your resources are also your own. In a shared Reseller package, you’re still sharing a server with many other individuals. With a VPS Reseller package, you’re sharing the same physical server, but not sharing the same virtual server. Your server is your own.


VPS servers have more resources than their Reseller counterparts. For example, our entry-level shared Reseller package Kickstart only offers 60GB of disk space whereas our entry-level VPS plan offers 150GB of disk space.


Because you’re not sharing the server with many others, you’ll experience faster loading speeds on a VPS server.

Why Should I Become a Reseller?

Low Bar to Entry

If you aren’t used to web hosting, there’s a learning curve at first. But if you’re familiar with web hosting or have your own website, it’s not much harder to become a reseller. Pricing for VPS Reselling packages is reasonable, starting at $54.99/monthly for a Lift 8 plan with 150GB of disk space and 8GB of RAM.


It’s easy to upgrade to a higher-tiered VPS at any time. Our reseller hosting accounts are scalable so you can start small and expand as your client list grows as scaling up doesn’t cost anything.

Easy to Manage

When you sign up for a VPS Reseller hosting account, you’ll need to manually create users in WHM. Once you create the accounts, you can give each client their own cPanel account and manage them accordingly. Within each cPanel is a client’s allocated disk space and bandwidth. Their cPanel also contains the necessary tools to manage their website, set up email addresses, and add databases.

If you have your own shared hosting package or have used web hosting before, setting up a reseller account is similar. Instead of setting up your own domain, you set up the framework for your clients to manage their own websites.

Your clients can manage their own accounts which saves you the hassle of administrating their websites yourself making this an easy way to make passive income.

In conclusion, VPS Reseller hosting has a myriad of benefits ranging from server privacy, easy configuration to scalability and speed. With the right setup, you can start reselling today!


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