How to install CandyCane

This article describes how to manually install the CandyCane bug tracking system on your A2 Hosting account.

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Installing CandyCane

CandyCane is compatible with all A2 Hosting accounts.

Although A2 Hosting servers are compatible with a wide variety of software applications, we cannot provide troubleshooting assistance for application-specific issues.

To install CandyCane manually, follow these steps:

  1. Download the CandyCane installation .zip file at to your local computer.
  2. Extract the .zip file on your computer.
  3. Use FTP to upload the contents of the extracted candycane-x.y.z directory to the public_html directory of your A2 Hosting account.
    • This step assumes that you want to install CandyCane in your account's document root directory. If you want to install CandyCane in a subdirectory instead, upload the files to the subdirectory instead.
    • If you have an unmanaged product (such as an unmanaged VPS or an unmanaged dedicated server), your document root directory may be in a different directory, such as /var/www/html. Consult your Linux distribution's documentation for the document root directory location.
  4. Create a MySQL database and database user for CandyCane. You will need this information during the web configuration process.

    • If your account includes cPanel, please see this article for information about how to create a MySQL database and user.
    • If your account does not include cPanel, you can create a MySQL database and user from the command line. For information about how to do this, please see this article.
  5. Use your web browser to go to the CandyCane installation URL.

    If you copied the CandyCane files to the document root directory in step 3, the installation URL is your domain name (for example, If you copied the CandyCane files to a subdirectory in step 3, add the subdirectory's name to the URL.
  6. The Install CandyCane page appears. Click Click here to begin installation.

    If the Click here to begin installation link does not appear, review the list of installation requirements:

    • If the list displays Your allow_url_fopen is NOT working well, you must set up a custom php.ini file that enables the allow_url_fopen setting in the CandyCane directory and all subdirectories beneath it. For information about how to do this, please see this article.
    • If the list displays Your routing is NOT working well, confirm that the .htaccess file (and other filenames that begin with a period) was uploaded correctly in step 3.
  7. On the Step 1: Database page, specify the database settings:

    • In the Driver list box, select MySQL.
    • Confirm that the Host text box is set to localhost.
    • In the User / Login text box, type the name of the database user you created in step 4.
    • In the Password text box, type the password for the database user you created in step 4.
    • In the Existing database name text box, type the name of the database you created in step 4.
    • If you want to use a database table prefix, type it in the Prefix for table name text box.
    • Click Build database, and then on the Step 2: Run SQL page, click Click here to build your database.
      If CandyCane cannot connect to the database, you receive a Could not connect to database message. Check the values you specified, and then try again.
  8. On the Installation completed successfully page, note the CandyCane home page URL and default login information, and then click Click here to delete installation files.
  9. The CandyCane home page appears. You are now ready to configure CandyCane.

Configuring CandyCane

After you install CandyCane, to help secure your site you should immediately set up a new administrator and disable the default administrator. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Use your web browser to go to the CandyCane home page on your site.
  2. In the top right corner of the page, click Sign in.
  3. In the Login and Password text boxes, type the default username and password information that the CandyCane installer provided during installation.
  4. Click Sign in.
  5. In the top left corner of the page, click Administration.
  6. On the Administration page, next to Users, click New.
  7. Specify the settings for a new administration user.
    Make sure you select the Admin check box for the new user.
  8. Click Create.
  9. In the top right corner of the page, click Sign out.
  10. Confirm that you can log in as the new administrator.
  11. In the top left corner of the page, click Administration.
  12. On the Administration page, click Users.
  13. Next to the username that you used in step 3 to log in as the default administrator, click Lock. The default administrative login is now disabled.

More Information

For more information about CandyCane, please visit

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